Чтобы не потерять (и еще потому, что мне пришло письмо, в котором написано, что, оказывается, я «писал про минусы заочной терапии». Все перерыл — ничего не нашел. И правильно, зачем себе в ногу стрелять).
Три года назад тот самый Ялом Ирвин писал в своем фейсбуке:
i’ve often been asked about my experiences with new digital methods of delivering psychotherapy. I must admit that at first i was very resistant to such approaches as skype therapy because i place so much value on the nature of the therapist-patient relationship and i feared it would be much diluted if therapist were not meeting together live in the same room. However over the last couple of years i’ve changed my mind about this. i’ve done a good bit of therapy via skype and feel the the work has gone well — as well as if it were face to face in the same room. I’ve seen patients in remote areas where there were no therapist within hundreds of miles, seen therapists in therapy who lived in small communities and knew all their fellow therapist, patients who were disabled and could not travel and also many patients from other countries who had been much affected by my writings and particularly wanted to work with me.
Если в двух словах: «я думал, что скайп-терапия не проканает, но попробовал и не увидел разницы».
Кто я такой, чтобы спорить с Яломом.